2007年4月3日 星期二

Reading A Story

About the story
Mrs. Johnson has a sick daughter. Everynight she must get up to take care of her daughter.And she also have to get up early to prepare breakfast,and nomatter how tired she is, she has to go to school teaches students.She can't sleep well and worry about everything almost everyday.All of the truble things she faced that constantly gnawed her. Under the pressures of those things. She felt that everyone was criticizing her.One day a student did not do his homework then she shouted to him."I'm tired of your never doing your work. I'm tired of your excuses. "she said.Finally,She lose her head and couldn't control her emotion anymore.
My personal feelings:
Her ill children is a burden on her.Financial pressures are bearing down on them.Mrs. Johnson has so much responsibilities and difficulties to face.Everybody sometimes also face kind of this situation.If I were Mrs. Johnson,when I face difficulties I can't slove it by myself,I would turn to others help or tell my friends and parents.If you were Mrs. Johnson what will you do?Don't think those things won't happen to you.Everything is possible.

1 則留言:

juiollc 提到...

Grammar Comments:
>> “Everynight she must get up to take care of her daughter.” In this sentence, “every night” cannot be an adjective, so you shouldn’t connect them into a word when you write.
>> “nomatter” is a phrase, not a word. So the correct writing would be “no matter”.
>> “Under the pressures of those things. She felt that everyone was criticizing her.” Because the former sentence isn’t complete, so please use “comma” to connect these two words.
>>"she said. Here, you forgot to add another quotation mark. And it is a sentence! You have to spell the first word with a capital letter.
>> “Her ill children is a burden on her.” ”children” is a plurality, and she has only one daughter, so change it into “child” would be correct.
>> “truble” would be trouble. “slove” would be solve.

Positive Comment:
I think that you wrote a nice article. I could know the story you read clearly and your thinking about it. Actually, you did a good job. But, I hope you can take care of what part of speech it is when you are writing next time.OK?!