2007年4月7日 星期六

"The Missing Piece Meets the Big "O" "

“The Missing Piece Meets the Big O”was written by Shel Silverstein. The missing piece want to find another missing peace. It was waiting some one to come alone. It tried to make itself attractive.It found many pieces but no one can fit it.It found one but it has too many pieces missing and another one has too many pices period. It tried many times but it didn’t help. Finally, it found one fit just right. They rolling to many place. But a missing piece began to grow and grow. It can’t fit with it anymore.One day someone come alone who look different. It’s name is Big O. There were no missing pieces that it can fit. It really want to rolling with it.The Big O said you can’t roll with me, perhaps you can roll by yourself.

My personal feeling:
It's really hard for it to decide rolling by itself.At first,it's absolutely have to face many difficulties. At last,it became a small O that it could rolling by itself.When you wanna gain someing you must pay something.It's simple but also difficult in the real life.What if you were in the extremity of despair.Can you face it alone?Leading an independent life is not easy.I think now people still wait someone who can fit just right.

1 則留言:

juiollc 提到...

Grammar Comments:
>>”The missing piece want to find another missing peace.” It would be “wants to”.
>> “They rolling to many place.” It would a past word “rolled” in this article.
>> “It’s name is Big O.” It should be ”its”.
>> “it's absolutely have to face many difficulties.” It should be “it has to face many difficulties absolutely.”
>>” it could rolling by itself” should use “roll” in it.
>>”It really want to rolling with it.” It should be ”It really wants to roll with it”.
>> “pices” would be “pieces”. “someing” would be ”something”.

Positive Comment:
I hope you can slow down the speed when you are writing. There are many mistakes just little problems. I believe that you do know them. Then,I think now you still wait someone who can fit just right! Ha~ha~