2007年4月7日 星期六

My Favorite Song

My favorite song is "O正反合."This song sung by a Korean boy band "Dong Bang Shin Ki"which composed by five members.A lot of people don't understand what the name "O正反合"means.This song descrided the society was composed by three phenomenons.This theory come from a German idealist philosopher Hegel.
part of the lyrics:
[영웅] 한걸음 물러서 지금 이 시대를 돌아본다면
[Hero] 退後一步想 你會怎麼看待這個世界
[믹키] 원리도, 원칙도, 절대 진리도 없는 것
[Micky] 沒原理, 沒原則, 絕對的真理也沒有
[영웅] 시대 안의 그대 모습은 언제나 반(反)이었나...
[Hero] 在這個時代裡 你的模樣永遠都是"反"嗎...
[믹키] 현실에 없는 이상(理想)은 이상형일 뿐 "O"
[Micky] 現實中不存在的理想 最終只是空想 "O"
Not just because the song has good melody,though this song we can think about the reflection.
