2007年4月7日 星期六

"The Missing Piece Meets the Big "O" "

“The Missing Piece Meets the Big O”was written by Shel Silverstein. The missing piece want to find another missing peace. It was waiting some one to come alone. It tried to make itself attractive.It found many pieces but no one can fit it.It found one but it has too many pieces missing and another one has too many pices period. It tried many times but it didn’t help. Finally, it found one fit just right. They rolling to many place. But a missing piece began to grow and grow. It can’t fit with it anymore.One day someone come alone who look different. It’s name is Big O. There were no missing pieces that it can fit. It really want to rolling with it.The Big O said you can’t roll with me, perhaps you can roll by yourself.

My personal feeling:
It's really hard for it to decide rolling by itself.At first,it's absolutely have to face many difficulties. At last,it became a small O that it could rolling by itself.When you wanna gain someing you must pay something.It's simple but also difficult in the real life.What if you were in the extremity of despair.Can you face it alone?Leading an independent life is not easy.I think now people still wait someone who can fit just right.

My Favorite Song

My favorite song is "O正反合."This song sung by a Korean boy band "Dong Bang Shin Ki"which composed by five members.A lot of people don't understand what the name "O正反合"means.This song descrided the society was composed by three phenomenons.This theory come from a German idealist philosopher Hegel.
part of the lyrics:
[영웅] 한걸음 물러서 지금 이 시대를 돌아본다면
[Hero] 退後一步想 你會怎麼看待這個世界
[믹키] 원리도, 원칙도, 절대 진리도 없는 것
[Micky] 沒原理, 沒原則, 絕對的真理也沒有
[영웅] 시대 안의 그대 모습은 언제나 반(反)이었나...
[Hero] 在這個時代裡 你的模樣永遠都是"反"嗎...
[믹키] 현실에 없는 이상(理想)은 이상형일 뿐 "O"
[Micky] 現實中不存在的理想 最終只是空想 "O"
Not just because the song has good melody,though this song we can think about the reflection.

Summary of "Changing Roles"

In the story,Neil Walkingshaw tried to ask his boss to let him take care of his newborn child.
Walkingshaw asked his boss if he could switch to part-time hours then he could spend half of each day at home taking care of his son. His employer refused, saying it would be difficult to find another people to share Walkingshaw's job. Knowing that the company he worked for had sex discrimination. On November 20, 2001,an industrial tribunal ruled that Walkingshaw had been awarded him 3,600 dollars.
In the past,the society expect that woman have to stay home,take care of children,and do all the housework,and man have to earn money,and work hard.In this day in age,lots of people already changed thier image.Woman can make more money than man,and man can cook well than woman.

Summary of Tom's Diner

"Tom's Diner" is a pop song written by American singer Suzanne Vega. She sat on the corner waitting for a cup of coffee. Someone coming in. A woman shaked her umbrella. Suzanne opend the newspaper read the actor story.Then,she saw a woman looked inside,at first,she thought she was looking her.Actually,the woman was looking her own reflection.The rain continued.After Suzanne finished up her coffee."It's time to catch the train."

Summary of "Piggybook"

"Piggybook" is written by Anthony Browne.This book tells the story about the Piggot family.
Mrs. Pigot tired of her works, she leaves them for a few days, her only message was a note : "You are pigs.'' As the days pass , they become pigs in habit in their real life. Then,Mrs.Pigot came back,she knew that they already understood her message.
I think the story give everyone a good message.In this day in age, boys and girls need to understand that they are equals in many aspects.

2007年4月3日 星期二

Reading A Story

About the story
Mrs. Johnson has a sick daughter. Everynight she must get up to take care of her daughter.And she also have to get up early to prepare breakfast,and nomatter how tired she is, she has to go to school teaches students.She can't sleep well and worry about everything almost everyday.All of the truble things she faced that constantly gnawed her. Under the pressures of those things. She felt that everyone was criticizing her.One day a student did not do his homework then she shouted to him."I'm tired of your never doing your work. I'm tired of your excuses. "she said.Finally,She lose her head and couldn't control her emotion anymore.
My personal feelings:
Her ill children is a burden on her.Financial pressures are bearing down on them.Mrs. Johnson has so much responsibilities and difficulties to face.Everybody sometimes also face kind of this situation.If I were Mrs. Johnson,when I face difficulties I can't slove it by myself,I would turn to others help or tell my friends and parents.If you were Mrs. Johnson what will you do?Don't think those things won't happen to you.Everything is possible.

2007年3月13日 星期二

About me

My English name is Carol.My hobbies are playing volleyball,watching movies and listening to music.­My individuality belongs in a lively way open and bright.And always look things in a bright sight.In fact, I wanted to be a painter when I was a child, but now I think it was a kidding.
I still like to draw in my free time but to be a painter became a remote dream.Ha~
Actually my English is very bad. After I come to the foreign language English class I am afraid of making mistakes in speaking English everyday.
I want to take more classes to enrich myself.After graduation I hope I can speak English fluently.